Clients internationaux
2023/ Napoléon at Arcole bridge, from Antommarchi death mask.
2023/ 3d printed replica of Hinat’s skull for AFALULA Paris.
2023/ Napoléon’s last hour for french tv show / CAPA Agency Paris.
2022/ Peruvian mummy girl for “Momies les chemins de l ‘éternité” exhibition, Département du Var, France.
2022/ Homo Erectus Pekinensis.
2022 / Stofflet, Chouan Royalist general from Vendée wars 1793 (on display in 2023) for Association du Souvenir Vendéen, France.
2022/ Napoleon CGI (in production).
2021/ Tutankhamun, for Atelier Bruëckner (CGI rendering based on a facial reconstruction from Dr. Caroline Wilkinson)
on display in Grand Egyptian Museum of Cairo.
2021/ Napoleon, for Musée National de Malmaison, France.
2021 / 3D virtopsy anatomy for Home VFX, Usa.
2020/ Descartes, for french tv show.
2020/ Sister Marie Incarnation, for Laval University, QC, Canada.
2020 / Beethoven (still in production)
2019/ “Hinat”, for Royal Committee of Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia/London.
2019/ Dame de Dully, for Musée Cantonal d’Archéologie et d’Histoire, Lausanne, Suisse.
2019 / “Two Grave Bay” man, for University of Waterloo, ON, Canada.
2019/ Marat, for french tv show.
2018/ Celts, for Musée National d’Archéologie, Paris, France.
2018/ Bishop Jacques de Vitry, for Fondation du Roi Baudouin, Belgique
2018/ Cro-Magnon
2018/ Tollund Man, for Museum Silkeborg, Denmark.
2017/ Sechelt family, for Canadian Museum of History, Ottawa, Canada.
2017/ Marie-Magdalene
2017/ Celts, for Musée National d’Archéologie, Paris, France.
2017/ Nebiri, Museo Egizio, Turin, Italy.
2016/ Thomas Craven, for Département du Val de Marne, France.
2016/ Sagrera woman, Museu d’Historia de Catalunya, BCN, Spain.
2016/ Celts, for Musée National d’Archéologie, Paris, France.
2015/ Mirabeau
2015/ Agnes Sorel
2014/ Young boy, for Museu d’Ullastret, Spain.
2014/ Robespierre
2013/ Homo Georgicus
2012/ Henri IV
2012/ Simón Bolívar, for Vice Presidencia, Caracas, Venezuela.
2011/ Pere el Gran, for Museu d’Historia de Catalunya, BCN, Spain.
2011/ Man and boy for Catalan archeology tv show, BCN, Spain.

Making Of.
We can produce 3d animations for museum displays.